Unraveling the Tangle: SOA, Microservices, and the Myth of the ‘Bad Implementation’

In the bustling frontier of software architecture, where ‘microservices’ is often the buzzword du jour, there lies an understated foundation that many modern developers may not have directly encountered yet interact with daily: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Before microservices began dominating tech conversations, SOA revolutionized how businesses thought about IT systems. It broke down monolithic applications…

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Stop Committing Configurations to your Source Code

Written by Meysam Azad Intro Over the last decade or so, due to the technological advancement in operations and tools such as CI/CD, containers, IaaS, etc., more and more people (or software engineers we shall say) are familiar with the operation part of the business. (Yay!?) This has made it easier and easier to talk…

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